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lunes, 14 de diciembre de 2015

SSI renewal fee 2016 for employees in Diving Centres

We will try to solve a frequently asked question.

Many dive centres pay for the SSI renewal fee of their employees.

At this moment, ODiN does not provide the possibility of being paid by the diving centre/company.

For accounting purposes, if the diving centre/company pays for this fee (by credit card, for example), it needs an invoice with the transaction. Furthermore, if the diving centre/company is in the Register of Intra-community Operators (RIO), it will have a VAT exemption in the invoice (this step is explained in the last entry of this blog (Spanish)).

How to do it is the goal of this blog entry.

So let's do it.

1. Sing in ODiN with the username and password of your employee (Dive Pro).

2. Go to MySSI>MyProfile

3.  Fill in the the fields this way:

*Important: If your Company is in the RIO, you have to enter your identification properly (without blank spaces between letters and numbers). If this step is wrong, VIES does not recognize your identification number and the VAT will be charged.

If your company is not in RIO, then enter your identification number (CIF/NIF).

4. Now go to MySSI>Renewal and try to do all the process.

5. Remember to change the profile at the end with your employee's information.

We are trying to improve this process in order to make it easier.